Member Benefits

The Presidents Club of Dayton serves as an information exchange about speakers and programs to help clubs get the best available programs.  This is accomplished by:

  • Conducting a monthly membership meeting at which two to three speakers from various community organizations. agencies or businesses give a five-minute preview of what they have to offer by way of presenting a program at the member service clubs'  meetings;
  • Surveying each club president or club representative to overview and evaluate programs their clubs had during the previous month and ranking each program for other clubs usage.
  • Communicating through this website and a monthly newsletter to presidents of all member clubs notifying them of upcoming events to be held by The Presidents Club of Dayton or other member service clubs and a listing of "top-rated programs" with a contact person and telephone number.

 Additionally, The Presidents Club of Dayton offers the following benefits to its member clubs:

  • Member clubs are also encouraged to solicit attendance to their fund raising events by promoting their events in The Presidents Club of Dayton newsletter and on this website.
  • The opportunity to share the operational techniques of member clubs so that each club can benefit from the techniques employed by others.  This is accomplished through the monthly meeting which gives member clubs the opportunity to come together for an informal discussion or a club can make a direct request for ideas and/or assistance.
  • Unite your organization with others in supporting community projects.
  • Assist member clubs in recruiting new club members by communicating to prospective recruits through this website and its programs with the Miami Valley community.

Membership dues are $100.00 per year.